EDAA Health and Safety Rules

Health and Safety Guidance 2025
Eden Drive Allotments

Health and Safety Overview

These are some of the key issues to be aware of on the allotment.
More detailed guidelines can be found in the site Trading Shed.

1.      Transmissible Infection
To avoid passing infection on to others, we advise anyone with any signs or symptoms of a significant transmissible disease not to visit the site.


2.      The Trading Shed
The contents of the shed are varied and some are potentially more hazardous when in close proximity to each other. It is the responsibility of the Field Secretary and the site Committee to ensure that storage of the contents satisfies regulations and that the Trading Shed is a safe environment to store goods and equipment and to trade from.


3.      Bonfires and Fire Prevention
Bonfires are banned all year round. The site Committee retains the right to supervise a site bonfire to dispose of site clearance debris.
Please ensure any flammable liquids and gases are stored securely and away from potential heat sources, including radiated heat through glass. Discard cigarette butts carefully. Keep the gate locked to deter arsonists.


4.      Storage of Hazardous Items
Ensure hazardous items are stored in approved and suitable labelled containers and safely locked away.
a) Fuel: take only a bare minimum of petrol, paraffin or gas cylinders onto your allotment.
b) Pesticides and herbicides: these are deliberately made to be toxic, and extreme care with their use and storage should be taken to avoid accidents, place others at risk, or inadvertently contaminate other allotments and water sources. Only legal pesticides/herbicides should be used.


5.      Use of Equipment
a) Guidance on the use of tools and equipment borrowed from the Trading Shed will be provided before you are able to use them.
b) Equipment brought on to the site by allottees should be used appropriately, and if it is to be used by other allottees appropriate guidance should be given.
c) Many tools are potentially dangerous. Great care and thought needs to be taken in using and storing them safely and avoiding them being a hazard to you and others.


6.  Land and Water Contamination
Only use proprietary pesticides/herbicides, as allowed by the Committee, and in the correct quantities as per manufacturer’s instructions. They should be used as minimally as possible and in a way that does not contaminate common water supplies or damage common areas and neighbouring plots. Crops grown in contaminated ground are potentially hazardous. Fuel or other contaminant leaks should be dug out, not washed down. Fertilisers (e.g. manure) should not be allowed to leach nitrates into water courses; manure piles should be covered to reduce run-off. Covering of plots should be with horticultural materials and not materials (e.g. domestic carpets) that leach harmful chemicals.


7.      Water, Ponds and Streams
Unless otherwise labelled, assume that water on the allotment is undrinkable. Do not use communal water butts for washing tools or containers, as this spreads contamination. Small ponds and open water containers on plots can be a danger to children and should be protected. Stagnant water poses health risks. Water storage butts need to be safely secured to avoid accidents. After heavy rain the stream can be deep and fast flowing, so beware of slipping. Any issues/concerns must be reported to the site Committee.


8.  Livestock and Pets
Livestock must not be kept on the allotment. Pets brought to the allotment need to be controlled to avoid annoyance and potential injury to others through distraction or attack, damaging or contaminating plots and endangering wildlife. Dogs must be on leads or enclosed on the allottees plot. Any fouling must be dealt with immediately and removed from the allotment site.


9.  Wildlife and Vermin
Much wildlife is beneficial to the allotment and certain wildlife is protected. Hazards for wildlife include low-level netting, use of pesticides, litter and hazardous debris (e.g. broken glass) and stacked wood.
Only advised methods and equipment should be used to eliminate vermin. Infestations should be reported to the Field Secretary.
Permission for beehives must be given by the allotment Committee. A safe location must be agreed, and the hives actively managed by a registered beekeeper, who must provide signage for allottees about safety procedures.


10.  Personal Safety and Infection
Allottees are responsible for the safety of others as well as themselves. Often allottees spend long periods on their own or away from others on the allotment, so do ensure the site gate is securely locked. Avoid using power tools when alone.
It may be advisable to check that your tetanus inoculation is up to date, especially if you are clearing an overgrown plot. See https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/tetanus/
Wearing gardening gloves offers some protection from cuts.
A first aid kit is available on the shelf in the toilet; please report any injuries in the site incident book, so the kit can be replenished as necessary.


11.  Hazards: canes, nails and rakes
To avoid eye hazards, make sure that canes are capped, particularly near paths used by other people, especially children. Nails in wood: Any wood which has nails protruding must be made safe, turned over or the nails removed.
Sharp tools such as rakes should be turned with the tines down or stored properly to avoid foot hazards


12.  Safe Access and Transit
Paths and tracks should be kept clear of obstructions to allow safe access. There should be no overhanging branches, canes or insecure structures obstructing the paths. Paths should be at least 2ft (60cm) wide. Allottees are responsible for maintaining the paths adjacent to their plot.


13.  Visitors to the Allotment
The behaviour of visitors is the responsibility of the allottee who invited them. Visitors should abide by all the rules that apply to allottees. Children and visitors must remain on the allottee’s plot and not wander around the site unaccompanied.


14.  Allotment Risk Assessments are carried out on key hazards, and findings acted upon. The records are held by the Field Secretary or the H&S rep, who will organise any appropriate action.


15.  Annual Review
The health and safety guidance and risk assessments will be reviewed annually immediately prior to the AGM.

Reviewed January 2025, Issued March 2025.